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It's a small "Knowledge Base" for various web development issues that you might come across during your development. So, hope the solutions that I've have included on the site's blog for the common problems that I have encountered prove handy for you as well.
So, save your time, browse through the tutorials and who may find your solution without having to do a tedious work of searching through numerous forums for it...
In the meantime,Happy Surfing and Please do provide feedback..
You may have noticed an issue while coding on CodeIgniter that even though you have destroyed the session values (invoking the $this->session->sess_destroy()) after logging out the page, the browser back button still takes you to your previous history page. Even though we may have made a provision to check empty session parameters and log out the page if the session has been destroyed, the browser back button still displays the previous pages that we have browsed.
In CodeIgniter, while implementing a search system to search your data queried from the database, you might have come across the situation when your pagination wouldn't have worked as desired.
We will find various Drupal modules to inject the Adsense to our site content. However, they do not usually allow us to add the Adsense code to the middle of our content body. Here, I have included a simple tweak to the drupal code.
Sometimes we may require our form to submit automatically when the browser loads. We can simply create a simple JavaScript function and call it at the event 'onload' when our page loads.
For this, we make the function call on the 'onload' attribute of the body tag of our HTML as below.
While developing a chat application, we may come across a situation when we require a div to automatically scroll down as the new message gets updated.
While printing long HTML documents, we may need to add pagebreaks to make sure our contents get printed on a new page.
While working with numbers in currency format, it is quite confusing to format a number to a desired value.